1.28 Acre lot in Show Low Pines
Unit 7 Lot 181 Nice lot with Electric just down the road
from the Well in Unit 7 APN 107-09-181

PRICE: $8,995.


Size: Approx. 180ft x 295ft deep Located east of Show Low by the “Y” in Concho, Arizona, Apache County

GPS Coordinates: 34.3550865,-109.8349952

PROPERTY TYPE: Rural Land- Great views on a nice lot with juniper, cedar and pinion pines.

ZONING: General Agricultural – Single Family home (check with Apache County on minimum sq. ft.), Mobile or Manufactured home are all acceptable. Camping & RVs are okay. A permit is required for long term visits, greater than 30 days.


Zoning: Single family residential – that septic tank is required. open land ranching operations may require fencing of purchaser’s property to exclude livestock.

No time limit to build and you may “camp” on property during summer months and while building, but must not Dump on the property. You will have to submit the RECREATIONAL VEHICLE AGREEMENT to Apache County in order to “camp” on the property.

Tiny home ok – Must be at least minimum required as stated in Deed of Restrictions You will need to follow Apache County guidelines.

Manufactured homes ok – You will need to follow Apache County guidelines.

TERRAIN: Flat to gently sloping

GENERAL ELEVATION (Feet): approximately 6300

ACCESS: County maintained dirt roads

POWER: Power is about 1,000 feet away

WATER: Would be by own well or holding tank (lot is very close to Show Low Pines Units 6-10’s well in Unit 7)


From Show Low head East on US 60 to the US 61 “Y”. Stay left onto US 61 and go approx. ¼ mile to County Road (CR) 8235, Stanford Drive and turn left; (road between the Dollar General Store and Stanford General Store). Stay on Stanford Drive for 5 miles. You should see Show Low Pines Units 6-10 water associate’s well at the beginning of unit 7. Turn onto road by well and follow it back on to Lexington (CR 8252) Turn right go about 200 feet. Lot 181 will be on your left. There should be a wood stake with lot number up against the big bush where the road curves left.

Lot showings are done on certain weekends by appointment only.

Email showlowpinesazland.com to schedule a time.

Owner/Agent – license held at Commercial Properties, Inc., as Sales support – Broker’s License number C000602000

Directional Map : Click Me!

Lot showings are done on certain weekends by appointment only.

Email showlowpinesazland.com to schedule a time.